Dear Governor Shumlin,
We know you're busy with economic development, health insurance and other important issues. But we're hoping you can break free and make a quick trip to Vernon on Tuesday October 22 at 3pm for our ribbon cutting ceremony at Stonehurst, Vermont Woods Studios' new fine furniture showroom and art gallery.
Now I realize one might ask why such a busy man would carve time out of an already ambitious schedule to visit a small Vermont furniture business? We've thought of many reasons, but here are the Top 10. At Stonehurst you can:
- Marvel at the world class handwork of dozens of Vermont's fine furniture makers
- Learn how a small Vermont business transitioned from a spare bedroom to a scenic destination shopping experience in the last 3 years
- See how Vermonters are marrying the best of old world craftsmanship with cutting edge communications technology to make Vermont the Fine Furniture Capital of America
- Visit Pine Top, a former Vermont ski area that not only showcases fine wooden furniture but also provides 100 acres of forested backdrop where customers experience the value of working lands and sustainable forest management
- Enjoy original artwork of talented Vermont artists like Susan Osgood, Linda Marcille and Janet Picard
- Check up on how we're investing the $100,000 grant monies we were awarded by the Vermont Working Lands Initiative
- Experience the beautiful landscaping artistry of celebrated author/gardener/landscaper Gordon Hayward and Torben Larsen of Putney, VT
- See the positive signs of growth in Vernon and connect with a community that's struggling to plan a new course for the future
- Witness the synergy and collaboration among Vermont's fine furniture professionals that's bringing our work out of the woods (so to speak) and into the homes of customers in all 50 states and several countries abroad
- Visit a local, green renovation project in action where great care was taken to restore a c 1790 farmhouse using Vermont made materials (local maple flooring, Vermont slate hearths, Green Mountain Windows, Vermont castings stoves and more)
If that's not enough to convince you, how about just sitting down to relax and enjoy the view? That alone makes Stonehurst worth the trip.