Trees are Carbon Capture Technology at it's best. Trees remove carbon dioxide CO2 from the atmosphere. CO2 is the greenhouse gas that's causing climate change and global warming. Protecting existing forests (and re-planting forests we have already destroyed) is our best chance to remedy climate change. Let's start planting trees. Photo of the Vermont's Green Mountain National Forest by artist #1778011 at Pixabay.
Fighting Climate Change with Forest Conservation & Restoration

This is the entrance to our forest at
Stonehurst. Trees have the potential to roll back 100 years of carbon emissions, according to the
Global Tree Restoration Potential report recently published in Science. Although there are many nascent carbon capture technologies on the horizon, forest conservation and restoration are already here and working! Let's plant more trees. What are we waiting for?
Trees Have "Mind-Blowing Potential" To Tackle Climate Change

Planting trees and replanting forests "is by far—by thousands of times—the cheapest climate change solution". It's the most efficient solution too, according to
Thomas Crowther, a climate change ecologist at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. Furthermore, results from reforestation will come quickly because trees remove more carbon from the air when they are younger. Let's start planting trees.
We need a trillion more. What are we waiting for? Image by Mysticsartdesign at Pixabay.
370 Million Years of Proven Effectiveness

Fossils indicate the presence of trees on earth for over 370 million years- since before the age of dinosaurs. They have been filtering carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and facilitating evolution of all lifeforms for millennia. Let's start planting more trees. What are we waiting for? Image by tee2tee at Pixabay.
Plant a Tree Today: Be the (Climate) Change (in a good way :) )

So often we throw up our hands and say, "What can I do? I'm just one person." Naturally, we need governments, industries and non-profits to get more involved if we're going to move the climate change needle. But in the meantime, you can be part of the solution right now. Plant trees on your property or in you community.
Donate to an environmental organization dedicated to forest regeneration. My favorite is
Forests for Monarchs FFM. We took this photo at one of our FFM reforestation projects in Michoacan, Mexico. Since inception in 2007, FFM has planted over 6 million trees.
Supporting Forests for Monarchs
At Vermont Woods Studios we plant at least 2 trees for every furniture order. This is done through
Forests for Monarchs FFM, a 501 c 3 non-profit that I volunteer for. Our trees are planted in Mexico to re-establish critical forest habitat where
monarch butterflies over-winter. You can join us in re-foresting this area by
donating to FFM. Each dollar donated plants 2 trees.

These were among the first
Forests For Monarchs trees planted. The land had previously been stripped of its trees. It was replanted with crops and the soil became so badly degraded nothing would grow. Our friend
Jose Luis Alvarez of FFM planted pine seedlings and 20 years later these trees are thriving.

Vermont Woods Studios was born in an effort to raise awareness about
forest conservation. We promote sustainable wood furniture as an alternative to big box store furniture that is often made from illegally harvested trees. Thanks to our amazing customers, we've been able to plant >60,000 trees to help restore the Amazon and other forests where our competitors still choose to illegally harvest wood. Learn more about
sustainable furniture and our green mission here.