Cherry furniture is enjoying the top spot on our customer's list of favorite wood species again this year. It's been the trend for several years and no doubt 2014 will be another banner year for cherry wood. Most Vermont woodworkers are set up to offer customers a choice of at least the Top 4 American Hardwoods used in fine furniture making, that is: cherry, maple, walnut and oak. But cherry has always been the favorite as far back as I can remember.
In responding to customer preferences as well as the availability of high quality, sustainably harvested cherry wood, Vermont furniture makers have become America's authority on fine cherry furniture. We work right alongside them at Vermont Woods Studios and have been sharing their knowledge on our website, in our blog and in a variety of articles. As we head into the furniture buying season, I thought I'd compile some of these resources and publish them as The Ultimate Buyers Guide for Cherry Furniture.
Check it out and let us know on Facebook, if you have additional questions we can add to the Guide.