Top Score Awards
Our sustainability efforts have earned us Top Score Awards from the Sustainable Furnishings Council and National Wildlife Federation on the Wood Furniture Scorecard.

We are committed to avoiding wood from unacceptable sources
- Timber from outside North America
- Illegally sourced timber
- Timber from areas with threatened conservation
- From forests with genetically modified trees
- Forests converted to plantations or non-forest use

We Are Committed to the Mission of the FSC
Vermont Woods Studios recognizes the Forest Stewardship Council FSC as an important tool to promote responsible forest management. We have a preference for sourcing FSC-certified wood furniture when it meets our requirements.
No Tropical or Endangered Wood
As a retailer committed to selling eco-friendly furniture made from local sources, we do not use tropical wood or imported wood from outside Canada. While wood sourcing isn’t always perfect, our goal is to ensure as much sustainability as possible.
More than 25% of the wood in our furniture is FSC certified, recycled, upcycled, or reclaimed. All of our wood comes from well-managed North American forests that follow strict environmental policies.
The wood species we use include black cherry, sugar maple, red oak, black walnut, and ash—all from North America. Occasionally, we use poplar or other suitable North American woods for internal frameworks and bed slats.
We prioritize local sourcing whenever possible. Our maple and oak typically come from Vermont, and much of our black cherry is harvested from FSC-certified forests in Pennsylvania. Ash is sourced as part of conservation efforts to manage the emerald ash borer.

Responsible Wood Sourcing Goals
Our goal is to help our furniture makers offer more FSC certified, recycled and reclaimed furniture collections. We envision a future where the origins of lumber are recorded more transparently and reliably, to allow independent third party verification and ensure the accuracy of the information.
Sustainability Goal
For over 200 years Vermonters have crafted quality furniture with sustainably sourced wood and eco-friendly finishes. We continue this tradition by helping our partners improve sustainability, encouraging FSC certification, and using recycled and reclaimed wood. Our annual sustainability report is available on our blog or upon request.