Introducing Vermont Woodworker, Alex Dunklee and his handcrafted "Wrought 'N Wood"
Vermont needs no introduction, but I will anyways!
Sandwiched in-between New York and New Hampshire (for you non-New Englanders) the Green Mountain state is a breath of fresh air. With an appreciation for nature, a working landscape and hard work, Vermont is a state that truly defines Yankee Ingenuity in a modern world.
Vermont is a state known for having some of the best maple syrup, first-rate skiing, scenic drives through the Green Mountains and under covered-bridges. It’s home to Ben & Jerry’s, King Arthur Flour, Cabot Cheese and Long Trail Beer. It’s a state that you can still find active, independently run farms and Subarus in almost every driveway.
Another fascinating aspect of Vermont life is its support of artisans and craftspeople. From bustling farmers' markets across the state to artisans like Simon Pearce becoming a household name, Vermont breeds a special entrepreneurial spirit.
Take the latest addition our showroom-the Wrought ‘n Wood Table. Handmade from a local Vernon, VT woodworker--Alex Dunklee infuses Vermont craftsmanship with innovation.

To explain the piece, I think it’s best to use Alex’s words:
“This table was handcrafted as a testimony to the quality craftsmen from an era that has long gone by. Their signature to the world was left on the work they performed and has outlasted many of their legacies. The components of this table have carried many loads for many years, and has been re-purposed to carry the memories and stories of your home or office.”
The metal base of the table is repurposed wrought iron that once belonged to a bridge in Wilder, Vermont. The iron is reformatted to make the base of this table and the wood belonged to a bridge in Townshend, Vermont. Each piece Alex makes is unique. He masterfully creates each piece to showcase the beauty and resiliency of early American made products. The wood is left with blemishes, marks and engravings that nature, wear and young lovers and vandals left.
Alex uses a hand-rubbed tung oil and buffed wax finish, leaving this table with a soft and beautiful surface. For care, Alex says the wood should have furniture wax applied periodically and the iron should not be exposed to wet or damp conditions. You can also apply furniture wax to the base overtime for continued protection.

This piece is exclusively available at our Stonehurst Showroom. Stop in and see the piece for yourself. It’s eye catching and certainly to be a conversation starter.