Where Does Your Wooden Furniture Come From?
Ever wonder where your wooden furniture comes from? Seven years ago I founded Vermont Woods Studios because I didn't like the answer to that question. And the answer is: if you didn't purchase American made furniture, yours may well have originated in a beautiful tropical rainforest that was being plundered by illegal logging activities.
One Acre of Rainforest Disappears Every Second
I spent the first few years at Vermont Woods Studios trying to raise awareness about rainforest devastation and how it's driven by the wood furniture and flooring industries. Did you know that the rainforest is disappearing at the rate of >1 acre every second? It sounds unbelievable and sensationalist, doesn't it? I mean that's over 4000 football fields every hour of every. But it's true and that fact is why we continue to work so hard to offer sustainable, locally made furniture at this Vermont furniture store.
You and I Have the Power to Save the Rainforest
Consumers of wood furniture, flooring and other forest products are the key to saving the rainforest. If you're taking the trouble to learn about sustainable wooden furniture and how you, as a consumer, can be part of the global solution, we want to help. I'll be writing a series of blogs over the next few months to provide some background information regarding the past, present and future of the rainforest and how we consumers can do our part to save it. Have any rainforest references or stories you'd like to share? Join the conversation on our Facebook.