No tour of Vermont's luxury home decor brands would be complete without a visit to Anichini, Inc. The Green Mountain State is home to this mecca for high end interior designers who feather the nests of the rich and famous. The company, founded 26 years ago by Susan Dollenmaier, has become the "most prestigious brand of luxury textiles and home furnishings". It is a full spectrum textile company specializing in rare and handcrafted fabrics and products. I visited Anichini's new design center in Quechee, VT last week while on my tour of Vermont's top luxury home decor brands. May I just say right here and now that I have never seen a collection of such beautiful and luxurious fabrics in all my life? What an indulgence for the senses. All of them... not just sight... so many different textures and subtle fragrances of linens, cottons, wool, cashmere and other fibers. Wow.

Anichini Inc. imports fabrics (Muga silks from Assam, Tibetan cashmere woven in Nepal, Ottoman inspired velvets and tapestries from Turkey, Renaissance replications from Umbria, Linen from Lithuania, Woven silks from Morocco) because they are simply unavailable in the USA. However, as shown in this video (The Craftsmanship of Rural Women) those fabrics are sewn here in Vermont by a group of talented seamstresses in Turnbridge.

Found in the linen closets of royal palaces and celebrities around the world, Anichini fabrics round out Vermont's luxury home decor brand portfolio. They are future heirlooms that celebrate the "extraordinary designs, rare materials, and traditional techniques that are soon to be lost. " Come see them for yourself! We hope to be featuring a nice selection of Anichini linens at Stonehurst, which will soon be your launch pad into the world of Vermont's authentic, handcrafted home furnishings.
This blog is written by your friends at Vermont Woods Studios. Check out our Vermont made furniture and home decor online and visit our showroom and art gallery at Stonehurst, the newly restored 1800s farmhouse nestled in the foothills of the Green Mountains.