The construction team has been at Stonehurst for just over a week, and despite sub-zero temperatures, they have made significant progress! The foundation site work has begun. A trench and a hole needed to be excavated before anything else could happen. The frozen ground was no match for our local excavating company, Tyler Excavating Inc, based in Vernon.
The hole needed to be excavated to make space for the new addition's foundation. This new addition is the what will connect the two current structures, creating our L-shape showroom.
At the same time, a trench was created to bury the water lines to our new outdoor wood boiler. This will be our primary heating system for the building.
Next week the construction team will build the forms for the footings and foundation walls, and pour the concrete. The team is excited for the next week's forecast of warmer weather.
Continue to follow our blog for construction updates on the Vermont Woods Studios Showroom, Stonehurst.