Thank You, Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund VSJF
We have three important people to thank today:
- Christine McGowan (Forest Products Program Director at VSJF)
- Erica Houskeeper (author of Happy Vermont travel blog) and
- Emily Bradbury (owner of Emily Bradbury Communications)
They're the journalists & tree-huggers who collaborated to write Fighting Climate Change One Rocking Chair at a Time: Vermont Woods Studios Makes a Case for Buying Local. VSJF is a nonprofit that partners with state government, private sector businesses, and nonprofits to create a vibrant future for Vermont. We are grateful to them for recognizing the work we do to promote and sell Vermont's sustainable furniture.

Addressing Climate Change in Vermont
VSJF is a key player in our state's Climate Economy Initiative. They support initiatives like distributed/renewable energy, green building and recycling. VSJF also supports other sectors of our economy that influence climate change, including the furniture industry.

Global Furniture Industry & Climate Change
Wooden furniture is made from trees. Trees are being clear cut from the world's rainforests at a frightening rate of 1.5 acres/second. The process is responsible for 20% of global warming. Furthermore, the timber produced goes into a market largely controlled by organized crime. It is shipped to China and other developing countries where it's made into cheap furniture for America's online & big box stores. The furniture often ends up in a landfill within 5 years.
Sustainable Furniture from Vermont is Different
At Vermont Woods Studios, we offer an alternative. Our furniture is made from 100% North American hardwoods and guaranteed for a lifetime. Our wood is usually grown in Vermont or within a 500 mile radius. Because Vermont's forest growth to removal ratio is 2:1, we are growing twice as much wood as is annually harvested.

Each of us has more power than we think to fight against climate change. Each time we make a purchase we can consider where that product came from and how it affects our world. LN Smith said, "Every dollar you spend . . . or don't spend . . . is a vote you cast for the world you want."