Tomb KV 63, is the first Egyptian tomb to be discovered in Luxor, since King Tut's tomb in 1922. A major event in history and it was recorded by Brattlboro's own, artist Susan Osgood. We've highlighted Susan's work before but now we wanted to let you know that she's currently being celebrated at the University of Porto's exhibition galleries, in Porto, Portugal through December 20, 2013. Here's your excuse for a holiday trip to Europe!

First jump on over to Susan's new Facebook page to see behind the scenes details of the exhibition. Susan has been working in Luxor at the KV 63 tomb site on and off for several years, drawing the coffins "under remains of workmen's huts, down a 20-foot shaft, in a rock cut chamber along with two gilded coffinettes and 28 large sealed ceramic storage jars". Her drawing process begins at the temple wall, penciling over hieroglyphs and figures on a large black and white photograph of the scene. Often the work is completed in Vermont at Susan's Brattleboro studio which, fortunately for us, is quite close to our fine furniture and art gallery in Vernon, VT. So if you can't make the trip to Portugal, come see Susan Osgood's original artwork at Stonehurst! It's a great opportunity to see (and purchase) world class art in your own backyard.