Mission Furniture History
Mission style furniture was established during the early 1900's during the boarder "Arts & Crafts" or "American Craftsmen" era. When the style first emerged, it was a revolutionary furniture & design movement that was created as a response to the industrial revolution and the way it devalued the individual furniture maker. This style of architecture, interior design, and decorative arts "became affordable to middle class homes built in the United States during the Arts and Crafts period between 1900 and 1930."
The Significance of Mission Furniture
Many of the major players of the Mission Style movement including William Morris, John Ruskin, Gustav Stickley and Frank Lloyd Wright, believed that the Craftsman was being lost to the mass produced, "soulless" furniture of the Victorian Era. Mission furniture was a complete departure from the over embellished and "glamorous" furniture that the Victorian Period was known for. In the Victorian Era, "A bare room was considered to be in poor taste, so every surface was filled with objects that reflected the owner's interests and aspirations." Reflecting a time in society when domesticity meant absolute privacy, and when the Bourgeois existence manifested into the interior space. The home was used as a curtained off retreat, wary of intrusion, and "opened only by invitation for viewing only on occasions such as parties or teas." Basically, the Victorian Home was a manifestation of upper-class values (while still using overly adorned, low quality decor and furniture).

This is what The Mission Furniture Movement rebelled against, the highly "glamorous" ideals of the Victorian Era that weren't inclusive of the real middle class. It represented an entire shift in cultural attitudes and values. Mission furniture aimed to represent the true American worker.
Mission Furniture Features

Mission furniture is bold yet simplistic, reminiscent of a traditional Rustic Farmhouse. It's heavy in appearance and build, with emphasis on using clean lines and natural materials. Mission style typically incorporated locally handcrafted wood, glass, and metal work--bringing the artisan back into the picture and straying away from a mass produced look. Mission furniture is very sturdy, and found some inspiration from Shaker furniture with it's aim to be usable as well as stylish. Mission style is a design that "emphasizes simple (horizontal and vertical) lines and flat panels that accentuate the grain of the wood." This style intends to reveal the craft of woodworking and the skill & labor of the individual craftsman. It's unpainted and unadorned, making it fitting furniture for practically any style of home!
Our Reflection
Mission Furniture is important to us because it represents exactly why we are here, to promote the craft of fine artisan woodworking. Our culture has seen a revival of cheap, mass-produced furniture available online and in big box stores-- and our furniture crafters are creating expert furniture designs with the same passion and integrity that sparked the Mission Style movement over a hundred years ago. If you'd like to see more of our collections of Mission furniture, please browse hundreds of our locally crafted and sourced pieces!
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Sources: (1) & (2)