The Green Team is hard at work clearing space to make a sunflower garden and a butterfly garden behind our showroom. With all of this land, we want to make it as beautiful and as inhabitable as possible for our friends in the forest.
Here is Dennis being extra careful to make sure no critters are injured in the making of this garden!
Nina, our photographer extraordinaire, jumped at the opportunity to get outside and rake the weeds... Any excuse to get outside in this beautiful Vermont weather, right? :)
Landscaping...more fun than it looks!
To make Stonehurst more visitor friendly, we're also making new paths for hiking & walking around the property. Our Stonehurst renovations will provide a more pleasing experience for our guests who want to see more than just the inside of the showroom.
We'd love for you to stop by and visit us. The back of the building is a work in progress, but it's still as beautiful as ever! See our exquisite Vermont handcrafted furniture and explore the lush woodlands right in our backyard.