Why We Sponsored a Field Trip for 3rd Graders

3rd Grade Field Trip | Sponsored by Vermont Woods Studios | Small Company. Big Mission Students from our local elementary school are learning about Vermont's forests & vernal pools from Joan Carey, an educator at BEEC (Bonnyvale Environmental Education Center) and Cynthia Hill, a volunteer at 4Winds.

Small Company. Big Mission.

As a mission-driven company, we take time out of our busy world of furniture now & then to support our community. Thanks to our amazing customers and team members we manage to squeeze in a number of environmental projects year after year. The 3rd grade field trip is one of my favorites. It gives kids an appreciation for the biodiversity of the forest ecosystem- one that is very near & dear to the heart of every Vermont woodworker.
Studying Forest & Wildlife Conservation | Small Company. Big Mission. The kids visited a vernal pool & a pond in the forest at BEEC. They did a comparative study of the organisms that inhabit each environment. We could be looking at some future environmental scientists. Or woodworkers.

Mrs McKenney's Class Rocks

"Lisa McKenney is an amazing teacher, and her students come so well prepared for the day." We want to thank Lisa McKenney, our friend & neighbor for her dedication to the students in our community. Both my sons, Kendall & Riley had Mrs McKenney for 3rd grade. They were lucky to have such a wonderful teacher.

I believe the children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way.

Linda Creed

Studying Forest & Wildlife Conservation | Small Company. Big Mission. We support BEEC because of our common interest in forest conservation.

Supporting BEEC

Twenty years ago I discovered the Bonnyvale Environmental Education Center BEEC in West Brattleboro, VT. They've been providing southeastern Vermont with high quality outdoor education programs for years. BEEC also coordinates and leads important community-based natural history and conservation programs. We support them because of our common interest in forest conservation.

Our Environmental Mission

Vermont Woods Studios provides hand-crafted wood furniture built from trees grown sustainably in North America. We were born in an effort to protect the world’s rapidly disappearing wildlife habitats. We believe that where your furniture comes from is just as important as style, functionality and beauty.

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Peggy Farabaugh

She is a CEO who brakes for salamanders, has bottle-fed rescued squirrels and spent her vacation building furniture for a rural school in Costa Rica. She believes in the future and in the people who will build it. A former distance-learning professor at Tulane University with a master’s in environmental health & safety, she turned an interest in forest conservation and endangered species into a growing, local business. She delivers rainforest statistics at breakneck speed, but knows how to slow down and appreciate the beauty of a newly finished piece of heirloom furniture.

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