#TBT: Cool Memories For a Hot Summer Day

Every now and then at Stonehurst (now our Vermont furniture showroom) we're treated to a blast from the past. Our property dates back to the 1860s when it was a farmhouse and since then it's had many and varied identities. From the 1940s to the 1960s Stonehurst was a local ski area with 3 rope tows. It was called Pine Top and every now and then we get special visitors who stop by to see how it's changed and share their memories of family vacations here. Recently we had the pleasure of meeting Sigrid Oscarson who stopped by with her husband Bill Wares. I wanted to share Sigrid's memories with those of you who remember Pine Top. Did you know Sigrid and her family?
A Visit from Sigrid Oscarson Wares
My husband and I visited with Peggy and Ken last Friday. They were gracious to show us Vermont Woods Studios, formerly known as Pine Top. I grew up in Vermont and spent many days skiing as well as celebrating holidays there. My Godparents, Elsie and Romey Racine were the owners. My father helped to maintain the rope tows very often using a combination of his well-honed automotive skills, true grit with sheer determination, and lots of prayer! It was always a work in progress.

"I came across this picture of me skiing at Pine Top. From these humble beginnings I have maintained a life-long love affair with this sport and even became a ski instructor for a period of time. Growing up in Vermont was a wonderful experience of which Pine Top was a very integral part. Looking at the ski garb makes me wonder how any of us survived the cold! Any one who skied there will tell you that they went through several pairs of mittens in one season due to the friction of the rope tow. We would all cram into the "Warming Hut" as it was affectionately called, to toast our frozen fingers and toes near the pot belly stove while munching on hamburgers or hot dogs with hot chocolate and brownies (made by my mother). It was truly a family effort.
Thank you for showing us the beautiful renovations you have performed on this most wonderful "home" that holds so many memories for me. Your organization is truly an excellent steward of the property and that warms my heart."