Maple furniture is making a comeback!
For many years, cherry has been our customers' favorite hardwood but in 2015 we're seeing that maple wood is giving cherry a run for the money. This is a welcome trend for those of us in the Vermont forestry community since maple is a hardwood that grows extremely well in the Green Mountain state (indeed maple is the Vermont state tree). It's sustainably harvested nearby, making it a great choice for eco-friendly furniture.
Although maple furniture is beautiful on it's own, many customers are dressing it up with walnut or cherry wood accents.
One example of this design is in Copeland Furniture's Modern SoHo bedroom furniture collection. The picture above shows SoHo in maple and walnut wood but it is made to order and can also be customized in all maple wood or a combination of walnut, cherry, and maple.

Nearly all of our furniture at Vermont Woods Studios can be customized in maple wood, regardless of the wood it's shown in on our website. This photo was sent to us by Margot G in Knoxville, Tennessee. Margo created her own unique version of our Classic Shaker Hunt Board by choosing maple wood (rather than cherry) and accenting it with a walnut top and walnut drawer pulls. It's beautiful, don't you think?

Another example of modern maple furniture is the Astrid bedroom furniture collection (shown above). Astrid is dramatic and sophisticated. It's been a favorite of contemporary urban dwellers from Manhattan to Los Angeles.
Check out our website for more examples of custom maple wood furniture. Use the drop-down menus to customize your wood choices online. If you don't see exactly what you want, give us a call and we'll talk about further customization. It's more affordable than you might think.