From all our families at Vermont Woods Studios to you and your family, we send our warmest wishes for a Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday season. Here are a few pics of what Christmas looks like at Stonehurst in Vernon, Vermont. My thanks to the eternally patient and tolerant staff members who humor me along when I get my pesky iphone out and start snapping...

Loryn, Ken and Michelle at our annual Made in America Christmas Secret Santa gift exchange.

Christmas gifts starting piling up as staff brought in gifts for local families in need

Tristan, Nina and Megan showing off their Secret Santa gifts

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care...

Rebecca, Mike, Sean and Kyle - always good sports around my camera :)

Riley, Dennis and Martin raising a toast to 2015...

Megan delivering gifts from our staff members to the town of Vernon's Giving Tree.
Please send us your holiday photos or post them on our
Facebook. Merry Christmas!