Sustainable Forestry Exhibit Lights Up BMAC
The Brattleboro Museum and Art Center BMAC is currently hosting an innovative new exhibit, showcasing the beauty and value of Vermont's sustainable working forest. Local painter, Kathleen Kolb shares her view of the Green Mountain state's forest industry through various works of art she's been creating over the past couple decades. Kathleen's artwork is enhanced by poetry and prose contributed by Guilford artist, Verandah Porche. Verandah interviewed loggers, and their family members. The resulting stories are rich with emotion expressing the bond these Vermonters have with the forest.
BMAC Schedule of Events
The forestry exhibit started October 2, 2015 and it will run until January 3, 2016. This Thursday the museum (October 22, Thursday, 7 p.m) is hosting a panel discussion: Turning Local Wood Into Local Good. I will be joining other representatives of forestry-related businesses in Vermont to discuss the importance of sustainable forests products to Vermont's economy. Please stop by and join us for a lively discussion!