Every year
Vermont Woods Studios sponsors an environmental field trip for the 3rd graders at our local Vernon Elementary School VES. We think it's important to pass along our love of nature to the people who own our planet's future. Our new friend, Keelin agrees!
Thank You, Joan Carey and BEEC, Bonnyvale Environmental Education Center

For many years
BEEC Environmental Educator, Joan Carey has taken our small grant and stretched it to provide local kids with hands-on workshops in Vermont's forests and vernal pools. This year, Covid-19 prevented us from gathering the kids together so Joan created a number of virtual outdoor classrooms for them. Check out
her video of Vermont's nocturnal forest creatures.
Thank You Mrs McKenney!

VES 3rd grade teacher, Lisa McKenney has championed our outdoor learning workshops for many years. She is one of the most beloved teachers in our community and we are deeply grateful for her support.

Check out all the beautiful, creative letters from students who participated in this year's workshop. It seems Mrs McKenney is teaching more than science and ecology. Thanks to all the kids and parents who wrote to us. You made our day!
Small Company, Big Mission
At Vermont Woods Studios we believe businesses have a responsibility to make the world a better place. So we created a new kind of furniture company--one that sells quality wood furniture made exclusively from sustainably sourced, natural hardwoods. We’ve planted > 60,000 trees to reforest the Amazon and other forests where our competitors still choose to remove trees illegally.
We support our community and are grateful for their embrace. Here are some
highlights of our community events last year in 2019. You, dear customer, are the one who makes this possible so thank you for helping us in #FurnishingABetterWorld .