Why Indoor Plants are Great for your Home and Health
It's a fact that nothing classes up your home like an indoor plant or vase of fresh flowers. I'm not the tidiest person in the world, but I swear when I pick up a bunch of cut flowers at the farmers market on Saturdays, it makes my apartment look 10 times more neat. That may just be wishful thinking, but now that we're in peak hay fever season and the changing of the climate is driving my allergies crazy, I've been looking for more reasons to add indoor plants to my apartment besides just for their beauty. Plants look great but have you ever thought of the health benefits behind adding greenery to your space? Here's five reasons why houseplants are good for your heart, soul and decor:
1. Plants Make You Smarter!
Studies show that plants have psychological and restorative effects that can lower tension and boost productivity and concentration. A new study by Texas researchers has linked these effects to college students and how plants can help to enhance performance in the classroom. Now if only they could link indoor plants to getting the motivation to actually DO your work, then we'd be in business!
2. Plants Help You Breathe Easier!
Everyone knows that our bodies function by taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide. Plants are neat to have around because they take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. This win-win situation makes indoor plants the best roommates! Adding plants to your bedroom, especially orchids and succulents, can refresh the air at night and leave you sleeping easier.
3. Plants Increase Your Health!
I found this really cool infograph that shows how plants have been found to help hospital patients get better faster and even aid in reducing stress related ailments for employees. Now I see why Peggy likes to keep plants at the office. No sick days for us!
4. Plants Can Help You Look Better!
Well, this one is a little bit of a stretch, but plants have been found to improve skin tone. First, indoor plants make great little humidifiers. During the respiration process, they release moisture which can save you from dry skin during the winter months. Plants also relieve stress, which is a known factor in many skin ailments like breakouts, hives and blotches. Having plants around may just be the thing you need for a brighter complexion!
5. Plants Will Purify Your Air!
If you're one of our customers, then you already know that our furniture contains little to no VOC's (Volatile Organic Compounds). Unfortunately, if you are still purchasing products and furniture that contain VOC's, then the air in your home might be making you sick. Plants help to remove 87% of VOC's in the air every 24 hours!
What Kind and How Many?
My favorite indoor plants are the ones that are the least likely to die if I forget about them for a day. Spider plants are very easy to maintain, have numerous health benefits and they look great, which makes them my first choice. Boston ferns, snake plants, english ivy and jade plants round out my top five. It is suggested that for optimal health benefits to place one large plant (6+ inch pots) or two smaller plants (4-5 inch pots) every 100 square feet. That comes to about 10-20 houseplants depending on if you're in an apartment or house. Try to place the plants in areas where you go to work or relax.
These benefits plus the fact that plants make your home look brighter and feel more inviting mean that you have no reason not to add houseplants to your green interior decorating scheme. Go one step greener and pick up a beautiful Simon Pearce vase from our online store. Made with a low-VOC, water-based finish, our plant stand is perfect for holding your air cleansing plants and adding style to your space at the same time.
Tell us about how you decorate your space with plants in the comments below or on our Facebook page!