The issue with outdoor furniture is that the really high quality, solid wood furniture we were considering is of questionable origin. Teak and mahogany are about the only types of wood that would meet our standards for weather resistance and longevity but they are both rainforest woods that are often harvested illegally and unsustainably. Our company mission is founded on forest conservation principles and we've made the decision not to offer outdoor furniture made of rainforest woods.
After researching all the alternatives we selected a wood-alternative material for our first outdoor furniture line. It's called poly wood and is made of recycled beverage containers. Instead of clear-cutting engandered rainforests to make our furniture, we're taking plastic out of the waste stream. We see that as a WIN-WIN situation for the customer and the environment.

Have a look at our new outdoor patio furniture collection as it comes online. We're just starting the process of getting everything ready for the Spring season, but you can still get a good idea of what's to come. Let me know what you think of poly wood and whether you would consider it for your outdoor patio, deck or garden. It's not real wood, but it wears even better than wood-- so well, that we're able to give it a lifetime guarantee just like our indoor furniture. It's good stuff-- check it out!