How Social Media Can Save the Monarchs

#MonarchsVT Whenever we post about our work with Monarchs, we'll be using the hashtag #MonarchsVT! (For twitter, FB, etc) Please post your photos, stories, and butterfly inspiration using the same hashtag to raise awareness for this cause!
Monarch Butterflies are incredible. These delicate creatures weigh less than a gram, but travel thousands of miles every year in an extraordinary, multi-generational migration journey. They're beautiful, well known for their bright orange and black wings, and they are a staple of American childhood. Many school children learn about metamorphosis through watching Monarchs grow from a caterpillar to a beautiful butterfly. They are one of the most popular butterflies in the why are they dying?
Despite how loved they are, Monarchs are in trouble, and the evidence is everywhere. A few years ago, we'd have these wonderful butterflies all around our gardens and backyards, but this year we've only spotted one. Monarch populations have plummeted more than 90% in the last 20 years, and that's sad news. (Read more about Monarchs and the reason for their disappearance here.)
IMG_0348 Milkweed: The Elixr of Life for Monarch Butterflies
But we still have hope.
This is where social media comes in. If you've been keeping up with us, you've probably noticed an influx of posts on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and even Pinterest about our passion for Monarchs. While it's all good fun to share photos and stories, it's even more important to raise awareness about this pressing issue.
You can help save the monarchs by getting active and sharing your work on social media! Picking milkweed & planting the seeds or sending them to organizations like Monarch Watch is a great first step. Contacting your local legislators, getting involved with local environmental groups that work to save Monarchs, and writing to your local papers is even better!
We're on a mission to bring Monarchs back to Vermont, and we hope that you will join us! Use the hashtag #MonarchsVT to share your activity with us, and the world! We'll always follow you back & re-share. If you need help finding milkweed or seeds, send me an email at and I'll gladly help you out.
Just get out there and make your voice heard! Together, we can bring back Monarchs. Sign petitions, write to the companies who are responsible for their disappearance, write to your local government, get active! The Monarchs need us now more than ever.

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Kelsey Eaton

Kelsey is a Green Mountain College alumni, currently pursuing her Masters degree in Internet Marketing at Full Sail University. She is skilled in graphic design, social media, content creation, and photography! Friends might call her a marketing maven by day, and a tribal bellydancer by night!

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